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$6.50 inc GST

SKU: 10805

Product Details

MJs Scissor 25 mls Oil is perfect for all Grooming Scissors, Salon Scissors, Home Scissors, Dressmaking ,Veterinary Scissors etc

MJ`s scissor oil has been specifically formulated by MJs NZ 2017 Ltd for all scissors including grooming,salon,barber,craft dressmaking,veterinary etc

Oiling your scissors is important to reduce any dryness in the pivot point on the scissor blades as they close so when the scissors are in use so that they will cut & preform smoothly and keeps the scissors from pulling and/or snagging as you cut

It’s important to oil the button(pivot point) of the scissors as this is what is holding the blades together and allowing them to cut. The oil helps not only to lubricate the button to keep cutting smooth, but also prevents moisture from rusting it

MJs NZ 2017 Ltd recommend you oil them at the end of your day as the oil will help remove any extra hair or product that may be stuck in the pivot point. This will guarantee your shears stay sharper longer!

Directions for Use

Apply to pivot point and 1 – 2 drops along each Scissor Blade then wipe off excess oil with a soft cloth before using your scissors

Oiling your scissor blades must be done at least once a day.

MJs NZ 2017 Ltd highly recommend only using our especially formulated scissor oil to maintain the life of your equipment we also sharpen all scissors with the exception of serrated edged scissors





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